Hello I'm Victor

I am a junior web developer.

From Cape Town Problem Solvling MVC,Design Pattern Responsive Web Design Agile/Scrum Work-flow Design Thinking Principles in UI/UX Analytical Thinker

About Victor.

I am junior web developer who recently graduated from a coding bootcamp,I am looking for an opportunity to apply my technical skills in the real-world,so that I can grow as web developer,and eventual contribute positively to the organisasion as I get exposure to different aspects in the process of web development ,in building new web based products/service platforms

I'm an individual characterised by openness to experience and a dynamic personality which is epitomized by my intellectual curiosity.
I have a keen interest in web developent,the bootcamp technical training exposed me both to frontend and backend inclined projects. I aslo studied at ...see cv below for more information.

Download CV

Core Skillsets

The array of the skills listed below encompass the breadth and depth understanding of working with web based projects /building a fully fledged application from start to finish,this includes but not limited to business logic,user-experience,and databases for storing the data of the projects

Web Development

HTML5,CSS3,including Bootstrap,JavaScript,I have elementary knowledge of ReactJS Library JavaScript Runtime environment,NodeJS,NPM,WebPack,as Build Tool

Software Development:Python

Python being a multi purpose general programming language,it allowed one to be versatile,so I have fundamental underatnding and sound knowledge of python web development frameworks,more specifically Django and Flask however my Personal
preference tends to be django. I have a fundamental grasp of Object Oriented prgramming principles,Object Relational Mappers,Data Structures and Alogorith Design and Analysis. I also have experience working with th python standard
library modules ,I also integrated Tkinter modules for system interface bulidng project.I also have bit of project awareness working with Data Science packgages/modules/libraries such Numpy,Pandas ,Scipy and Matplotlib for preprocessing
a and visualization of data



The database I used for my projects include (1)Relational database,namely SQL database Server,the database management system(DBMS) library/APIs I mainly used for my projects are MySQLdb and PyMySQL

(2) NoSQL database,or Non-Relational database system,I also used is MongoDB server ,and the API used mainly was:pymongo

Skills I have learnt working with database system include among others,Data Definition language(DFL) ,which I used to create and manage the structure of the data in my Projects ,Data Manipulation Langugae(DML) ,these Querysets I used them primarily to manage the data itself. Data control language ,these are a set of queries,I used manly to control access to the data and data base system in my projects

Unix/Linux Development environment

Basics of navigating file systems,Directry Structure,FIles and Processs,FIle System security (access controll),etc

Web Server,Nginx HTTP Server,and Apache HTTP Server


Git Version/Source Control

I have operarting knowledge of git source control framework which is utilized for the following changes made in codes during the development process. It allows different developer teams to work together on ventures, which enables us to finish the project on a stipulated timeframe


Each Project have its own short and unique requirement specification(s) ,and the corresponding final designed solution.


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